Danny DeVito

Short loveable guy who seems to know what he's doing.

Throw Momma from the Train (1987) -- An adorable little movie full of lines that are quoted in my circles all the times ("Here's your tie, I thought it might get rooned," "You don't have a cousin Patty," "The night was humid"). The perfect Danny DeVito image is of him playing with his toy train, dinging the bell. Just a funny, cute, clever movie. B

The War of the Roses (1989) -- Not too bad, though not something I'd necessarily sit through again, though not something I'd necessarily avoid sitting through again. I seem to recall the direction being pretty stylish. C

Death to Smoochy (2002) -- This movie assumes that the audience will always think it is funny that children's entertainers are people after all, but I'm sure we know this by now. At least I think it's doing that, cause most of it just isn't incredibly funny. C

Copyright (c) Oct 2001 by Rusty Likes Movies