Roy William Neill

Director of many old films, including a lot of Sherlock Holmes movies.

Indifferent Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man (1942) -- There were certainly logical problems with The Wolf Man.  When Bela turned into a wolf, he looked like a wolf, but when Lon Chaney Jr. turned into a wolf, he looked like a wolf-man.  Also there was talk of the pentagram that was meant to protect from the spell, though no one ended up using it (and, in this movie, Lon Chaney apparently forgot about it since his solution was to try to kill himself).  In this movie, all logic goes out the window.  In The Wolf Man, silver was meant to kill a werewolf, which it did, but Larry Talbot is alive again for no explained reason.  His quest in the movie is to kill himself, which he somehow thinks he can do by hooking himself up to Frankenstein's monster?  The monster's presence here is weird too: where The Ghost of Frankenstein had Lon Chaney playing the monster badly, this time they've got Bela Legosi, and he's even worse.  Apparently they cut all his dialogue and didn't explain why he's walking around blind.  Lon Chaney is just as lumbering and oafish as always, knocking over things in the set and whining throughout.  But, whatever, it's a monster movie.  (See George Waggner and Erle C. Kenton for the predecessors, The Wolf Man and The Ghost of Frankenstein, respectively.  See Erle C. Kenton for the sequel, House of Frankenstein.)

Copyright (c) Feb 2007 by Rusty Likes Movies