Snoofy: The Humans

Wayne is Snoofy's owner. His sister is Susan, his best friend is Lenny Lunkhead, and his giflriend is Tina White. He also has a baby brother named Dewayne. Wayne is an all-around nice and well-balanced kid. He's sort of the Christopher Robin of the Snoofy world, not quite the Charlie Brown, since the animals are the stars of the show, and since he's not always depressed.



Susan is Wayne's sister. She also has a little brother named Dewayne. She has a crush on Wayne's friend, Alex Lightning, who doesn't return her affections. She is liked by Lenny Lunkhead, but she doesn't return his affections. Susan is the owner of Mrs. Swim. Susan is sweet, but somewhat nosy.



Lenny is Wayne Green's best friend. He has a crush on Wayne's sister, Susan, who doesn't return his affections. He is liked by Lily Loo, but he doesn't return her affections. Lenny is an awkward kid, and would probably be a total loser if Wayne didn't hang out with him.



Tina is Wayne Green's girlfriend. She sometimes hangs out with Wayne's sister, Susan, but she mostly just spends time with Wayne. Tina is also the owner of Jingles, who she knows as "Pepper." Tina is the prettiest girl in town, somewhat inspired by the little red-haired girl, except that Wayne actually has her as a girlfriend as opposed to Charlie Brown who only dreams about her.



Alex is one of Wayne Green's friends. He is liked by Wayne's sister Susan, but he doesn't return her affections. Alex has plenty of girlfriends, but they are always off the page, girls from out of town who we never see. Alex is considered the coolest and most handsome guy in town.



Lily is a sometimes friend of Susan, who hangs out with Lily when she feels sorry for her because Lily is even more awkward than Lenny Lunkhead -- who she has a crush on, though he doesn't return her affection. Lily is the least popular person in town, but no one is especially mean to her. She is the owner of Fee Fee.



Dewayne Green is Wayne and Susan's baby brother. He doesn't talk much, except baby talk, but he comes along with some of the kids' adventures by default, since Wayne and Susan are often on babysitting duty. Dewayne was given his name out of compromise, since Wayne wanted another Wayne in the family and Susan wanted a Dee.



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